Space and Time
Primary Space In this world there are three Primary planes of space, Red Space, Blue Space, and Yellow Space. Each of these planes are projected onto the world via Prisms that circulate the planet like moons. The Planet orbits two suns in a figure 8 form. Passage between these two suns can take years, giving time between planes to last for years. Each plane only exists when the Color is projected on the planet, otherwise the time stops for that plane. In order to move between these constant streams of time and space, you have to pass through the colors that intersect. If you pass through a mixed color (any color created with more than one color) and you don't make it through, your existence comes to a standstill. Color passage is dangerous, but it’s necessary for continued existence. Without the stars and prisms, the planet would be blank without any life. Each plane exists under rapid recreation, all things except for sentient organic life will exist as long as the plan...