Planet Creation:
- Sun is Red Dwarf
- Atmosphere is reddish-purple because of sun color + neon
- Large land masses, several small islands
- Planet is closer to sun so sun looks bigger
- Planet is smaller than earth
- Orbit around sun is short so years are short too
- Plant life is dark (to absorb sunlight better) & most of it is underwater
- Does not house many major life forms, primarily bacteria and other microscopic creatures that can handle extreme conditions. All other creatures are aquatic and have adapted to survive in incredibly high temperatures underwater. They primarily live in the depths of the pink ocean, they can’t surface.
- The Ocean is a pink color due to a chemical reaction to the bacteria in the water. This gives the water it’s pink tones.
- Some land locked pools are a teal color because they are a high enough temperature to kill all the cyanobacteria. They are super heated and often erupt in small geysers.
- The planet is rich in minerals
[Top Down View over the largest super heated lake] |
[Panorama of the planet's surface.] |
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